
To obtain a free Recreational Hunting/Fishing/Game-bird Access Permit within Kaingaroa and Rotoehu forests you must be a registered and validated beneficiary with TPT. Otherwise, general public must pay an application fee of $50.00. Hunting permits are usually available between May to September.

Follow these steps to get a Recreational Forest Access Permit for Kaingaroa or Rotoehu forests;


1. Check if you are Registered?

If you are unsure whether you are registered with TPT, or if you need to update your contact details, please contact our receptionist on (07) 347 4615 or email [email protected] or private message us on facebook providing your full name, date of birth and address.

If not registered go to 2(i).

If registered with TPT go to 2(ii)

If you have obtained a hunting permit previously go to 2(iii).

2. Complete Form(s)

(i)   Register online as a beneficiary with TPT or Download a Registration Form.  Download additional Whakapapa Form if needed.  Ensure to complete a Whakapapa Form for each Iwi/Hapu if the whakapapa differs.
(ii)  Download and complete a Verified Land Owner Form  (If already completed this form in the past, no need to repeat)
(iii) Download and complete a First Security Recreational Forest Access Permit Application (Form required annually)

3. Bring Photo Identification

Bring the form or forms completed at number 2 above, photo identification or a valid firearms licence if hunting to TPT office located at 1212 Amohia Street Rotorua for validation and endorsement.  Following validation as a beneficiary, we will email your applications to First Security for processing.  If all is in order, First Security will then issue a Recreational Forest Access Permit according to your preferred method of delivery indicated on the form.  ie you pick up at 23 Monokia Street, Rotorua or First Security will send to the address noted in your application.

4. Hunting Season 2018

The Game-bird hunting season for Kaingaroa or Rotoehu will run from 5th May 2018 to 26th August 2018.
The Hunting and Fishing season for Kaingaroa or Rotoehu will run from 5th May 2018 to the 30th September 2018.
Timberlands may allow access during the fire season, dependent on the fire danger level.  The following websites have up to date information regarding access to the Kaingaroa and Rotoehu forests; and

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