TPTCT Projects & Activities

TPTCT’s projects and activities successfully achieved in advancing the betterment of the Affiliate Te Arawa Hapu/Iwi and its beneficiaries.

Projects and Activities About Outcomes Achieved
2011 Rangatahi Hononga
Supporting rangatahi participation
  • Two day hononga for 40 Te Arawa rangatahi to find out what Te Arawa Tangata can do to support rangatahi to contribute, participate and be active in Te Arawa’s future.
  • Marae Master Chef was born.


Affiliate Breakfasts Apumoana Marae

  • Bringing trustees from all Affiliates together to share information and contribute to the work of Te Arawa Tangata
  • 7am starts and 30 people on average attending breakfasts rating the regular event as awesome.
2012 Te Arawa Tangata Marae Master Chef, Mataikotare Marae, Te Ngae
  • Hunting and Fishing Challenges
  • Mahi kai competition
  • Marae kai competition
  • Marae cook-off
  • Kotahitanga – bringing Te Arawa together
  • Promoting te reo
  • Te reo focussed activities
  • Visual cues to encourage to speak and improve vocabulary
  • See Official Results of competition
Te Arawa Research The Te Arawa Research and Development Strategy initiative began under Te Arawa Lakes Trust, and Te Arawa Tangata offered to assist the kaupapa through support of a Te Arawa Research Hub.  Dr Tepora Emery led the project which aimed to increase Te Arawa research capacity and capability and to generate robust information and sound propositions for best social, cultural, environmental and economic outcomes for Te Arawa.

Te Arawa Research Hub supported the Nga Pae o Te Maramatanga Research Symposium held here in Rotorua.  Te Arawa research was showcased with presentations by: Dr Kepa Morgan, Dr Angus Macfarlane, Hiria McRae, Wetini Mitai and Dr Ngahuia Te Awekotuku.

A field trip on lake Rotoiti saw the sharing of scientific knowledge and Pikiao matauranga on water and lake quality.

15-16/07/2013 Rangatahi Hononga II  Kearoa Marae Supporting rangatahi participation
  • Bringing together 30 Te Arawa rangatahi aged between 14-22 yrs old, building on the success of the first hononga in 2011.
  • Rangatahi shared their dreams about the future of Te Arawa, and sought consideration of;
  • Having rangatahi voice at committee level
  • More learning wananga to enhance their knowledge base and confidence on the marae
  • More fun events at the marae to strengthen whakawhanaungatanga

2013 Te Arawa Tangata Marae Master Chef, Opatia/Taheke Marae

Okere Falls

  • Hunting and Fishing Challenges
  • Mahi kai competition
  • Marae kai competition
  • Marae cook-off
See Official Results of competition
Marae Forums  Opportunity for marae trustees, committee members and koeke to come together and share information regarding our marae. As important centres of tribal activity, Te Arawa Tangata created the marae forum to work collectively on a host of kaupapa and to support marae resources and capability they need to carry out their critical role.


Te Arawa Tangata Marae Master Chef, Te Waiiti Marae, Rotoiti

  • Hunting and Fishing Challenges
  • Mahi kai competition
  • Marae kai competition
  • Marae cook-off
See Official Results of competition


Succession Planning Funding Grant for TPT Marae

 Succession planning for the future The Taunakitia Te Marae scoping study completed in 2013 revealed that many marae were not succession planning for future generations.  Te Arawa Tangata accessed funds that supported marae wanting to strengthen whanau connections, develop leadership, and build knowledge, skills and capabilities for the future.
2014 –Ka Hao Te Rangatahi In collaboration with Excel Rotorua Supporting rangatahi participation
  • 60 student successfully enrolled into Level 1 & 2 of NCEA qualifications
  • Through series of noho marae wananga in partnership with Te Taumata o Ngati Whakaue Iho Ake

24-25/05/2014 Rangatahi Hononga III

Te Takinga Marae 

 Supporting rangatahi participation

25 rangatahi aged between 14 -25 organised career day for local youth

Focussed on encouraging youth involvement within Te Arawa marae by helping them to consider themselves as future leaders, identifying their strengths and future contribution to the iwi and provide mentoring support

Rapua te Hua Engagement with Affiliates resulting with outcomes to better connect resources and opportunities and create new futures for the collective development and well-being of Te Arawa people
  • Advocacy for a Shared Services Affiliate hub function
  • Advocacy and leveraging of collective power
  • Procurement negotiations for group discounts for Affiliates and marae (marae insurance subsidy initiated)


Nga Rangatira o Apopo – Rangitahi Busines Day held 

Te Arawa Tangata, Te Arawa Group Holdings Ltd, Te Arawa Management Trust and Te Arawa Fisheries joined forces to host rangatahi who aspire to having a career in business. A business day focused on showing rangatahi what it takes to lead a commercial company and assisting them to make informed subject choices if considering business careers.  Two participants subsequently sent to National Summit – E Tu Rangitahi.
Rangatakapu Emerging Leadership Programme, established to develop and nurture the future leadership of Te Arawa
  • 16 promising future leaders of Te Arawa completed programme encompassing cultural, social, economic, political and environmental leadership
  • Event was underpinned by Te Arawa tikanga and kawa
  • Program evaluation indicated Leadership capacity of Te Arawa is strengthened
  • Group aspiration to contribute to a unified Te Arawa wide strategy is a post program focus
Taunakitia te Marae Research A research project in collaboration with Nga Pae o Te Maramatanga, Waikato – Tainui College for Research & Development and Te Kotahi Research Institute to help understand how Te Arawa Tangata can assist marae with collective solutions.
  • Consulted and sampled 31 current state of Te Arawa marae
  • Workshop held 11 November 2015 to feedback report findings to affiliate marae, hapu whanau
  • Full report accepted and published 23/12/15.  See publications.
  • Creating communities of practice identified as the key to achieving marae wellbeing
  • Shared good practice
  • Program delivery at Hapu level
  • Road to self sufficiency
Marae Insurance Subsidy This project was a scoping exercise to determine what options are available to improve marae insurance uptake
  • Hui were held with Tainui, Tuwharetoa Insurance Groups and several Insurance Brokers. Report completed for Board consideration in February 2016.
  • In 2013 Te Arawa Tangata established the Te Arawa Marae Insurance Program of which 12 of the 28 Affiliate marae joined.
2015 Matariki Whakanuia nga Koeke o Te Arawa Ball  Supporting koeke participation – Hawaiian theme. Sponsorship reinforcing Te Arawa Tangata values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, tikanga and kaitiakitanga by giving back to our Te Arawa koeke.
2016 Matariki Whakanuia nga Koeke Te Arawa Ball   Supporting koeke participation – Black & White theme. Sponsorship reinforcing Te Arawa Tangata values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, tikanga and kaitiakitanga by giving back to our Te Arawa koeke.
2017 Matariki Whakanuia nga Koeke Te Arawa Ball  Supporting koeke participation – Gold & Bold theme. Sponsorship reinforcing Te Arawa Tangata values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, tikanga and kaitiakitanga by giving back to our Te Arawa koeke.
2018 Supporting koeke participation –  Enchanted Forest Green & Gold Theme Sponsorship reinforcing Te Arawa Tangata values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, tikanga and kaitiakitanga by giving back to our Te Arawa koeke.