Key Milestones

The following table details key milestones and progress for Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust.

Date Timeline of Key Milestones
September 2003 Numerous mandating hui were held with respective Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu who approved resolutions to enter into direct negotiations with the Crown.  Nga Kaihautu mandated to negotiate the settlement on behalf of Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu.
1 April 2004 Urgent Tribunal Inquiry. Crown recognises Nga Kaihautu mandate but this is challenged in the Waitangi Tribunal.
26 November 2004 Terms of negotiation were agreed between Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu and the Crown.
December 2004 Nga Kaihautu withdraw from CNI Stage 1 tribunal hearings and go into direct negotiations with the Crown.
5 September 2005 Agreement in Principle agreed between the Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu and the Crown.
20 December 2005 Agreement in Principle varied.
30 September 2006 Original Deed of Settlement entered into between Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu and the Crown at Te Pakira Marae.  Announced at the signing that $1000,000 will be made available to each Affiliate Entity.  A $5,000 grant was also made available to each Affiliate marae.
1 December 2006 Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust Deed signed establishing Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Trust (TPT).
23 March 2007 Te Arawa Group Holdings Ltd (TAGH) incorporated by NZ Companies Office.
28 March 2007 Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Charitable Trust established.
April 2007 High Court proceedings lodged – Te Arawa settlement is challenged by NZ Maori Council, FOMA and Tuwharetoa.
March 2008 TPT holds a hui-a-iwi and is mandated to join CNI Collective.
11 June 2008 TPT negotiates a revised settlement which is ratified by 97% of participating adult beneficiaries, that took into account the agreement reached between the Crown and CNI Iwi Collective.  TPT Revised Deed of Settlement is signed at Pakira Marae.
25 June 2008 CNI Deed of Settlement is signed.
29 September 2008 Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu Claims Settlement Act 2008 and CNI Forests Land Collective Settlement Act 2008 are legislated.
12 June 2009 Resolution passed by TPT to distribute $1M to each Affiliate Entity.
1 July 2009 Settlement assets are transferred by Crown to TPT.
3 July 2009 TPT transfers $1M to each Affiliate Entity.
24 July 2009 Resolution passed to capitalise TAGH and transfers $34M to TAGH
1 August 2009 Resolution passed by TPT to amend the Constitution to enable two trustees to be appointed as TAGH Directors and to allow TAGH to transfer 99 B shares to Affiliate Entities.
1 September 2009 Information hui on proposed amendments to the TPT Trust Deed and ballots sent to adult registered beneficiaries.
1 October 2009 94% of participating adult beneficiaries support the proposed amendments to TPT Trust Deed.
28 May 2010 TPT purchase DSP farm property (54 Collier Road) from the Crown.
18 June 2010 TAGH purchase DSP farm property from TPT and on-sells to the Tyleam Family Trust.
10 December 2010 TPT approves TAGH’s final Constitution.  TPT passes resolution delegating the authority and management of the Geothermal Statutory Acknowledgement in favour of TAGH.
17 November 2011 TPT approves TAGH’s final version of Shareholders Agreement.
4 May 2012 TPT approves Deeds of Assignment of income from CNI, Rotoehu forestry and schools in favour of TAGH
8 March 2013 TPT approves TAGH’s Dividend Policy with the provision of a fixed annual dividend for five years effective from 2015 until 2020.  TPT approved amendments to the Trust Deed.
8 March 2013 and 10 May 2013 TPT approves transfer of cultural redress properties to respective Affiliates.
13 December 2013 TPT approves the 2014-2019 Vision and Strategy Plan for TPT.
26 June 2014 Report and Findings by the CNI Adjudication Panel reaching decision on allocation of 9 CNI forest lands.
1 July 2014 CNI Iwi Holdings Board records a Final Allocation Agreement relating to CNI forestry lands.
31 March 2016 Joint Allocation Agreement signed by TPT (on behalf of Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao), Te Komiti Nui o Ngati Whakaue and Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi Trust in relation to Whakarewarewa Highlands CFL.
1 June 2016 Allocation Agreement signed by TPT (on behalf of Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao) and Te Mana O Ngati Rangitihi Trust in relation to Whakarewarewa Waimangu CFL.
1 June 2016 Allocation Agreement signed by TPT (on behalf of Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao) and Te Mana o Ngati Rangitihi Trust in relation to Crater CFL.