Te Arawa Tangata

Te Arawa Tangata, the charitable arm of TPT, was established on 28 March 2007 to receive, hold, manage and administer the Trust Fund for every charitable purpose benefiting Affiliate Te Arawa Iwi/Hapu. The trust was incorporated and registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 on 1 February 2008.

Te Arawa Tangata emerged out of a study, commissioned by the late Rawiri Te Whare, to determine how TPT could best enhance the wellbeing of Te Arawa whānau, hapū and iwi.  The research reported the best approach, by building self-reliance and self-determination (tino rangatiratanga) within our whānau, marae, hapū and iwi.  Through our programmes, we aim to “touch the people” by delivering a range of benefits that improve the wellbeing of our people the collective well-being of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Affiliates.

Our Research

Subsequent research highlighted other areas of need across our Affiliates that include:

  • education and skill development;
  • employment;
  • rangatahi engagement;
  • succession planning;
  • te Reo Māori;
  • collaboration as TPT and as Te Arawa;

The purpose of Te Arawa Tangata is to connect resources and opportunities for the collective well-being of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Affiliates by;

  • Creating future opportunities
  • Sustaining our culture
  • Investing in our future

Te Arawa Tangata received its income from a mixture of government project funding, donations and grants to deliver specific project needs for the benefit of our people, our marae and our rohe.

Difficulties faced in 2015 securing on-going funding contracts to support a self-sustaining model resulted with the completion of existing contracts and no new contracts.  Te Arawa Tangata continues to operate to advance its charitable purposes, albeit on a lesser scale by contributing to the benefit of the wider community of iwi and hapu of Te Arawa.

The Annual Te Arawa Matariki Koeke Ball is an example of where Te Arawa Tangata contributes to reinforce its values of manaakitanga, whanaungatanga, rangatiratanga, kotahitanga, tikanga and kaitiakitanga by giving back to our Te Arawa koeke.

The Board continue to seek opportunities for the collective well-being of Te Pumautanga o Te Arawa Affiliates.