Our Organisation
On 1 December 2006, Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa Trust (TPT) was formed as a post settlement governance entity to receive, hold and manage the assets negotiated on behalf of eleven Te Arawa Iwi and Hapu known as the Affiliate Iwi/Hapu.
Our Purpose
- Give effect to the Settlement Legislation; and
- Receive Redress pursuant to the Deed of Settlement; and
- Hold and administer the Trust Fund and the liabilities; and
- Exercise strategic governance over the Corporate Entities; and
- Distribute benefits directly or indirectly to the beneficiaries upon any basis which Te Arawa Pumautanga Trust may decide.
Affiliate Iwi and Hāpu
- Ngati Kearoa Ngati Tuara
- Ngati Ngararanui
- Ngati Pikiao
- Ngati Rongomai
- Ngati Tarawhai
- Ngati Tahu & Ngāti Whaoa
- Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi
- Ngati Tura Ngati Te Ngakau
- Ngati Tuteniu
- Ngati Uenukukopako
- Tuhourangi Ngati Wahiao