Past Trustees
The trust is governed by 15 trustees representing the eleven Affiliates that are elected by their respective hapu/iwi. Representation includes one trustee from nine of the affiliates and the two bigger Affiliates; Tūhourangi and Ngāti Pikiao each have three trustees on the board. The Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson are elected by the TPT board. A re-election of trustees occurs every three years, the last re-election was held in 2016.
Karen Vercoe – Chairperson
Ngāti Pikiao
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Eru George – Deputy Chair
Ngāti Kearoa Ngāti Tuara
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Allan Skipwith
Tuhourangi Ngāti Wahiao
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Merehira Savage
Ngāti Rongomai
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In 2014 Merehira was a Project Manager for Ngati Tuwharetoa Settlement Trust (TST) and is currently contracted with Ngati Tuwharetoa Hapu Forum as Negotiation Support. Merehira believes in a collective vision of wanting to make things happen and whilst strategic sustainability is a critical part of planning, this must have a connection to the aspirations and needs to our people.
Watu Mihinui
Tūhourangi Ngati Wahiao
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Rangitihi Pene
Tūhourangi Ngāti Wahiao
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Nireaha Pirika
Ngati Uenukukopako
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He hopes to ensure that Maori as a people are enabled to follow their dreams in his time as a TPT Trustee. He also hopes to tear down barriers and build our people up to thrive and prosper to become a productive member of the hapu/iwi.
Piki Thomas
Ngati Pikiao
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Laurance Tamati
Ngati Pikiao
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He currently holds governance positions on a number of Maori land trusts and incorporations, post settlement entities and commercial companies.
Laurance has a Post Graduate Diploma in Business from the University of Auckland.
Roger Pikia
Ngati Tahu Ngati Whaoa
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Wallace Haumaha
Ngati Ngararanui
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Cyrus Hingston
Ngati Tarawhai
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Hinemihi na Te Rangitakaroro, a
Ka ki ano, he tangata.
Tihei mauri ora.
Tena ra koutou,
I have the privilege of being the Ngati Tarawhai Affiliate representative on TPT and Chair of Ngati Tarawhai Iwi Trust.
Having spent a lot of time alongside my grandparents, I developed a deep interest in hapu and Iwi history with our whanau connections to Ngati Tarawhai coming through our Ehau and Pango tupuna.
I look forward to utilising the skills and experience I have gained as a business owner and educator in progressing our Iwi goals.
Blanche Kiriona
Ngati Tuteniu
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Geoff Rice
Ngati Tura/ Ngati Te Ngakau
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Clark Pirika
Ngati Te Roro o Te Rangi