Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa Trust 2016/17 Annual General Meeting

Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa Trust 2016/17 Annual General Meeting

Tena koutou katoa,

Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa Trust Hereby give notice of its 2016/17 Annual General Meeting


 Date  Sunday 25th February 2018
 Time  10:00am – 12:00pm
 Venue  Tapuaekura Rakeiao Marae, 11 Curtis Road, State Highway 30, Rotorua


  1. Mihimihi / Karakia
  2. Apologies
  3. Previous AGM Minutes
  4. Reports by Chairman, General Manager, TAGH
  5. Receive audited Group Accounts
  6. Receive audited Charitable Trust Accounts
  7. Appoint auditor for period ending 30/06/18
  8. Receive and review the Annual Report
  9. General Business
  10. Karakia whakamutnga
  11. 12:00pm Lunch

The 2016/17 Annual Report is available for ‘registered beneficiaries’ upon request by contacting Te Pumuatanga O Te Arawa Trust Office. 1212 Amohia Street, Rotorua 3010. T: (07) 3474615 E: [email protected]

Karen Vercoe,


Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Call for Nominations 2017

Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Call for Nominations 2017

Tena Koutou Katoa.

Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust Standard Election of Trustees. 

Call for Nominations to Elect 2 Trustees on Sunday 17 September 2017, Pikirangi Marae 10am.

  • You must be registered and validated with Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust register at Te Pumautanga O Te Arawa Trust (TPOTA) to be eligible to support nomination, accept nomination & vote on the day of these elections.
  • All Nominations and Registrations will close on the 7 September 2017, 5pm.
  • All nominees must be able to show ahi kaa (All Nominees will be processed by Kaumatua for eligibility).
  • All Nominators and Nominees must be present at time of presentation by Nominees.
  • All Nominees will be contacted by Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust on confirmation of eligibility.
  • Any Nomination forms incorrectly submitted will not be accepted.
  • Registration & Nomination forms can be obtained from the head office of Ngati Uenukukopako Iwi Trust.
  • All eligible beneficiaries must be present at meeting to vote.

Phone:            07 348 2838

Mobile:           022 403 1454

Address:        852a Te Ngae Road, Rotorua, RD4, 3072

Email:             [email protected]

Te Roro O Te Rangi Hapu Trust Call For Nominations 2017

Te Roro O Te Rangi Hapu Trust Call For Nominations 2017

Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi Hapū Trust call for nominations 2017

On 15 October 2017, an AGM and election hui will be held 11am at Te Kuriau Marae, Ohinemutu, to elect 2 trustees for the Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi Hapū Trust and this is a call for nominations.

To be eligable to hold office as a Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi Hapū Trust representative, a person must:

  • be of Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi descent
  • be a registered adult beneficiary of the Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi Hapū Trust
  • be aregistered Adult beneficiary of the Te Pūmautanga o Te Arawa (Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi Hapū Trust Affiliate)
  • have demonstrated involvement in Ngāti Te Roro o Te Rangi affairs (ie. ka noho ahi kaa)

All nominees must fully complete a nomination form and provide a one page profile of themselves.

All nominations must be received by 5pm, 15 September 2017 and can be posted to PO Box 12184, Rotorua South, Rotoria 3045. Please note; no nominations will be accepted from the floor at the AGM.

Nomination forms can be downloaded from the Owhata Marae, Te Roro o Te Rangi or Te Roro o Te Rangi ki Te Kuirau Marae facebook pages or request a form via the Trust’s email address: [email protected]

Clark Pirika


NZMA Free Hospitality Training

NZMA Free Hospitality Training

Free Hospitality Training available for 16-19-year olds.

Do you have a young person at home or know of someone who may be interested in studying with food & beverage with NZMA? (New Zealand Management Academies) They’ll learn how to barista coffee, serve cold drinks and work with food.

NZMA have spaces available in level 2 & 3 Hospitality to start immediately and these are open to students aged 16-19 years old, ideally with no or low NCEA results.  The goal is to engage rangatahi into this career pathway, get them the skills for the job, help develop the discipline for the workplace and they get both the qualification as well as NCEA along the way.

See www.nzma.ac.nzz enrol now or telephone 0800 222 432 or ask for Brendon Moses at your local campus located at the New Zealand School of Tourism at 1178 Pukaki Street, Rotorua who is happy to give potential students and their whanau or any potential iwi/stakeholders a tour of campus should they be interested.

Please click on the below images to read more.