Tena koutou katoa,E te iwi, tena koutou,
The five-yearly Census will be held on the 6th of March this year.Each household will receive a unique internet access code through the mail, or by personal delivery. This code will enable everyone in your household to complete the Census online. If you don’t have internet access, you need to ring the helpline on 0800 census (0800 236 787), and request a paper form.HOW CAN I IDENTIFY [MY IWI/HAPU]?
First you need to answer YES to the question asking if you are of Māori Descent.Then you will see the iwi question: “Do you know the name of your iwi?” You can select UP TO FIVE IWI.
If you are completing your census online, TYPE IN [insert IWI names]  and [insert IWI names] will appear among the options. If you are using the paper form you will need to write in [insert IWI names]. You should also write in your rohe (e.g. Te Arawa).

You can choose [insert IWI names] because we are included on the Iwi and Iwi-related Groups Statistical Classification. Only groups that are on this list are included in the Census.

Please share this pānui and encourage whānau to TYPE  [insert IWI names] when completing the iwi question.

Nga mihi.